Essex Estate And Paddock Maintenance

Tel: 07554420757

Services Provided by Essex Estate and Paddock Maintenance
Herbicide Application For Weed Management

Essex Estate And Paddock Maintenance are fully qualified to apply herbicide and are insured for all paddock maintenance work. Essex Estate And Paddock Maintenance are also NORoSO Registered (National Register of Sprayer Operators) to ensure we are up to date with training and health and safety procedures.
All our machinery is either mounted on, or towed by a lightweight UTV or ATV with floatation tyres, and this enables us to get onto paddocks before tractors, enabling us to get onto paddocks earlier in the season before tractors, with little to no ground compaction at all.

Weed Spraying Services

Pasture spraying is an important part of paddock maintenance as weeds will appear at some point in paddocks and on grassland. By spraying selective herbicides, weeds such as ragwort, docks, thistles, fat hen, buttercup, daisy, dandelion, speedwell, bristly ox-tongue and nettles can be eradicated from the treated area.
Compact and light ATV or UTV’s are fitted with a modern 4 metre boom sprayer that can spray areas where it is too small for large agricultural sprayers to operate efficiently and allows the land to be treated to to be softer due to the small vehicles being mounted on flotation tyres.

Effective Paddock and Pasture Spaying

Herbicides and pesticides are directly sprayed onto paddocks and pastures and although this is difficult to measure, Essex and Paddock Maintenance use onTrak GPS to create a cost-effective, accurate and effective solution.
Spraying is carried out using a Logic Deck Mounted Sprayer DMS390 with a 4 metre boom mounted on a lightweight UTV with floatation tyres The lightweight construction allows us onto the land, early or late season with little to no ground compaction at all. All necessary machinery is NSTS tested.
We will provide you with a full report on the work carried out, which will include area covered, type and amount of chemical used and conditions at time of spraying.

When to Spray Herbicides onto Grassland
Spraying herbicides should be carried out from the beginning of March until the end of October as the best results occur when weeds are actively growing within that period. Please note that some manufacturers will specify optimum times when to apply their chemicals.
On completion, animals should remain away from the treated area for the period specified by the manufacturer, which is usually seven to fourteen days, although this will be confirmed.

Snow Clearance
Snow in the UK can be pretty unpredictable. Sometimes we get to experience a white winter, but occasionally we receive snow in other seasons. As beautiful as it can be, snow can cause interruptions to daily life.
We use a Logic 1.8 Meter Snow Plough UTS201 Fitted to Our UTV.

Providing the Highest Quality
Essex Estate And Paddock Maintenance utilises the best machinery and the latest technology to ensure the highest standards are met.

All our machinery is either mounted on or towed by a lightweight UTV or ATV with floatation tyres with little to no ground compaction at all.

GPS Navigation
Essex Estate And Paddock Maintenance use OnTrak GPS to accurately map your fields to make sure we give an accurate coverage and easily calculate the cost.